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Parashat Lekh-Lekha

Cantor Sarah Myerson

Dear Mishkan Tefila community,

God said to our ancestor Avram “lekh-lekha,” Go! And Avram began his journey. A physical, geographical journey from his father’s home in Haran to the unknown land of Canaan. A theological, spiritual journey from the tangible yet inert idols of his childhood to faith in a god without form, who nevertheless spoke intimately with Avram. And a journey of personal identity and affirmation, adding a letter of God’s name, hey, to his own and to his wife’s, as Avram and Sarai became Avraham and Sarah. Debbie Friedman (z”l) thought deeply about this command, and in imagining what else God might have said to Avram at this pivotal moment, left us with the beautiful song below. Her lyrics are based on Genesis 12:1-2, which she expanded to include some of the aspects of God’s later blessings to Avra(ha)m. Friedman wrote this song in honor of her friend, Savina Teubal, and she uses both the masculine (lekh-lekha) and the feminine (lekhi-lakh) form of the Hebrew imperative, Go! Lekhi lakh to a land that I will show you Lekh lekha to a place you do not know Lekhi lakh on your journey I will bless you And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing You shall be a blessing lekhi lakh Lekhi lakh and I shall make your name great Lekh lekha and all shall praise your name Lekhi lakh to the place that I will show you Lesimhat hayim, lesimhat hayim Lesimhat hayim lekhi lakh. And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing You shall be a blessing lekhi lakh Click here to listen to: Lekhi Lakh I look forward to this week's Installation Shabbat, an opportunity to formally become a part of Congregation Mishkan Tefila as we journey through this year, and I hope to see you here Friday night at 6pm, Saturday morning at 9:30am, and/or Sunday morning at 8am.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom,

​Cantor Sarah Myerson


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