Watch more videos on my Youtube channel: svmyerson
Ve'Ahavta with Chironomy
I developed this version of hand signs for Trope symbols
Motifs and Chironomy for the Blessings after the Haftarah
Blessings After the Haftarah using Motifs and Chironomy
Far Vos Zingt a Khazn?
This Yiddish art song includes a lot of hazzones, and a singalong tune towards the end. With Elizabeth Rodgers, 2015
Ballad of Impossible Tasks
Original Yiddish song, performed with Patty Farrell, Deb Strauss and Michael Winograd, 2015
Hoshanah Rabbah
Selections from Hoshanah Rabbah, presented at JTS, 2014
Der Lempl
I wrote the music for this Yiddish lullaby, performed with colleagues in the YIVO Yiddish summer program, 2013
Far'n Obsheyd
Yiddish art song by Leib Jaffe and Ephraim Skliar, performed with Elizabeth Rodgers, 2013
This Song is Postmodern
Sometimes I write and perform songs in English! This one is a pastiche of musicals styles and word games, 2013
Ikh hob nisht keyn shande
I performed Yiddish folk songs at the Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center in the Bronx, 2012 (song excerpt starts at 4:28)