Here's a selection of Jewish music I've recorded. You're welcome to listen to more songs at my Soundcloud channel:
Happy Listening!
List of Compositions
A Balad Fun Ummeglikhe Uvdes (2014) finalist in 2015 Der Idisher Idol
A Khazn, A Froy (2014)
Asot Mishpat (2017)
Bashnaydn Lid (2020) Yiddish song for baby naming/circumcision ritual
B'nei Yisrael (2019)
Der Lempl (2013) choral (SSAA)
Dew (2019) text by Rabbi Mark Greenspan
Don't Care (2019)
Ein Keloheinu (2018)
Genie In A Cup (2009) saxophone quartet
Go In Peace (2017)
Hayom Te'amtseinu (2017)
I Dream, I Hope I Wish (2017)
If It Be Your Will (2015)
JTS Mission Statement (2012)
Judith of Bethulia (2017)
Kabbalat Shabbat (2018)
Shalom Aleikhem
Lekhu Neranena
Shiru L'Adonai
Or Zarua
Romemu (2016)
Mizmor LeDavid
Lekha Dodi (2016)
Lekha Dodi (minor)
Tsadik Katamar
Mikolot Mayim Rabim
KeRoeh Edro (2017)
Maker Of Light (2012) children's choir and piano
Mame, Mame, Zog Mir Dos (2020) 3rd place in the Bubbe Awards (New Yiddish Song)
Mimkomo (2018)
Mountains May Move (2017)
Nokh A Shluf (2017) orchestra
Oy Vey Shimen (2018) for solo voice and piano, or for SAT choir and chamber orchestra
Psalm of the Day
Sunday - Se'u She'arim - Psalm 24 (2015)
Monday - Yismah Har Tsiyon - Psalm 48 (2015)
Tuesday - Shiftu Dal VeYatom - Psalm 82 (2015)
Wednesday - Ad Matai - Psalm 94 (2015)
Thursday - Se'u Zimra - Psalm 81 (2015)
Friday - MiKolot Mayim Rabim - Psalm 93 (2015)
Saturday - Tsadik Katamar - Psalm 92 (2015)
Rahamana (2019) for Selihot/Kol Nidre
Ruah HaOlam (2014) for voice and accordion/piano
Sarah Laughs (2017)
Shabbat Ma'ariv (2018)
Ahavat Olam
Vetaher Libeinu (2011)
Shalom Rav (2012)
Shekedina nigunim (2019)
Shomer Yisrael (2017)
Stand Up For Medicare (2017)
Thank You (2012) children's choir and piano
This Song Is Postmodern (2012) voice and piano
UvHar Tsiyon (2017)
Ve'erastikh Li (2016)
Wellbeing Nigun (2017)
Wherever You Go (2016) voice, clarinet, and accordion
Yihyu LeRatson (2014) choral (SSA/TTB)
Yizelu Mayim - Psalm 147 (2014)
Al HaNisim (2016)
Arvoles (2016) choral
Big Train (2017) orchestra
Crocodile Gena (2011) orchestra
Eli Tsiyon (2017) choral (SSA/TTB)
Eli Tsiyon (2016)
Go Tell It On The Mountain (2018)
HaFinjan-Hingala (2018)
Ma Tovu (2016)
Man Come Into Egypt (2017)
Mo Adabro Mo Asapro (2018)
O Hannukah medley (2015)
O Que Mueve Mezes (2015) choral (SSATTB)
Odessa Mama (2016) chamber orchestra
Or Hadash (2016)
Ufaratsta (2016)
Yomi Yomi (2009) choral (SSAA/TTBB)
Other Recordings
Ahat Sha'alti (2015)
Avinu Malkeinu (2016)
Avinu Malkeinu/Avinu Ata (2016)
Berukhim Atem (2016)
El Male Rahamim for Victims of the Shoah (improvised nusah) 2015,
Eliyahu HaNavi/Shnirele Perele, 2017
Genesis 22:4-8 for Rosh Hashanah, 2015,
Hallel for Rosh Hodesh Iyar at Moreshet Israel in Jerusalem, 2014,
Hatsi Kaddish for Musaf Yamim Nora'im, 2015
Hineni (nusah improvisation) 2017
Lechi Lach by Debbie Friedman, 2015
Lekha Dodi for Sefirat HaOmer, 2017
Megillat Esther at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem, 2014
Mi Khamokha for Ma'ariv Yamim Nora'im
Mishenihnas Adar 2015,
Pesah Kiddush (evening) 2015,
Pioneers, Faster! 2017
Rosh HaShanah Kiddush (evening) by Kaminsky (according to Schall), 2015
Santuary Shaker Hymn based on Exodus 25:8 (text setting by Mia Cohen) and Psalm 115:18 (text setting by Rabbi David Ingbar), 2017
Shabbat Kiddush (evening) Beth Am of Washington Heights, 2015
Shabbat Kiddush (evening) Louis Lewandowski, 2016
Shabbat Kiddush (evening) USCJ style, 2016
Shabbat Musaf Avot, 2016
Shabbat Musaf Gevurot, 2016
Shema-VeAhavta, based on cantillation, Glantz recitative, and Sulzer melody, 2016
Shema-VeAhavta, leading the Women of the Wall for Rosh Hodesh Iyar, 2014
Slach Lanu by Samuel Rosenbaum, 2015
Tefillat Tal composer unknown, 2016
Vayar Elohim by Gordon Lustig, 2015
Vayhi Binsoa HaAron, 2017
Ve'eirastich Li by Seth Chalmer, 2017
Zacharti Lach by Louis Lewandowski, 2017